San Mateo Neighborhood
A very nice neighborhood with a small town feel
(Wednesday 7/31/2024) A Message from your San Mateo Neighborhood Inc.
A card shower is planned for Cleo Cole’s 95th Birthday. Mrs. Cole was our School Crossing Guard at San Mateo Elementary for over 35 years. We invite you to join us in celebrating Mrs. Coles Birthday by dropping off a card at 11477 Elane Drive, no later than August 9, 2024, and it will be delivered to her.
National Night Out (NNO) is upon us. Join us in welcoming our Zone 6, Jacksonville Sheriff’s Officers for an afternoon/evening of celebration. This year’s event will be held on August 6, 2024. NNO is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie.
This event is open to all San Mateo residents and JSO officers.
Tentative timeline -
4:30 pm: the park will be set up to receive residents & guests. Officers from the current shift will be available as work allows. Cotten’s Bar B Q Food Truck will be serving from 4:30 pm until 7-7:30 pm. Additional (portable) Picnic tables will be set up near the pavilion, in the shade. As usual, all attendees are requested to sign in – this is a security measure to ensure the safety of our guests and residents.
There will be a 50/50 Raffle, music and free ice cream for attendees. The winning ticket for the raffle will be drawn at 6:30 pm. The winner need not be in attendance.
At 6:00 pm, Officers from our Zone 6 station (next shift) will be escorted, by one of our neighbors, throughout our neighborhood where our neighbors can stand at the foot of their driveways (if they so desire) to wave, clap etc. as they drive by. They will not stop at homes as they did last year. Residents interested in contributing snacks, gift cards and the like, are urged to deliver them to the park. At the end of the Drive by the Officer's will return to the park to eat and visit our neighbors that have gathered at the park.