San Mateo Neighborhood
A very nice neighborhood with a small town feel
The following underlined links connect to various detailed websites within City, State and Federal Governments that serve the San Mateo Neighborhood. Scroll down to the applicable, underlined Government entity and click link to access.
City of Jacksonville
The City of Jacksonville website provides access to abundance of helpful information. Click on City website link. Hover your cursor over each of three pictures "Our Citizens", "Our City" and "Our Mayor" and see how to report blight, report a pot hole, look up property taxes, apply for a job and much, much more.
City Planning District
San Mateo is located within and served by City Planning District 6 (North). Citizen Planning Advisory Committee (CPAC) primary purpose is to maintain open and effective communication between Jacksonville residents, businesses, neighborhoods, community organizations, educational institutions and city government.
City Council District 2
Mike Gay is currently our City Councilman in District 2. Bethany Bryan is his secretary. They can be reached by phone (904) 255-5202 or via email MGay@coj.net . Note: In addition, there are five At-Large Council Members serving our City that are also available to assist with our needs. See City Council link.
State Senate District FL-5
Tracie Davis is currently our State Senator for District FL-5. Her local District Office is located at 2933 N. Myrtle Avenue, Suite 201, Jacksonville, FL 32209. She can be contacted by phone (904) 359-2575 or email via State Senate District link.
State House District FL-14
Kimberly Daniels is currently our State House Representative for District FL-14. Her local District Office is located at 1225 W. Beaver Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202. She can be contacted by phone (904) 359-2533 or email via State House District link.
Congressional District FL-4
Aaron Bean is currently our Congressman for Florida's 4th District (FL-4). He can be contacted by phone (904) 557-9550 or email via Congressional District FL-4 link.
US Senate
Marco Rubio and Rick Scott are currently our US Senators for Florida. See US Senate link.
Voting Information
Precinct Finder link identifies that San Mateo precinct is #204 located at Cedar Bay Baptist Church, 11553 N. Main Street. Early voting dates and sites can be found by clicking on the Early Voting tab in the link.