San Mateo Neighborhood
A very nice neighborhood with a small town feel
San Mateo Neighborhood, Inc. (SMN Inc.)
San Mateo Neighborhood, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered with the City of Jacksonville Neighborhoods Department, State of Florida SUNBIZ and the IRS.
The organization seeks to enhance and sustain the safety, security and beauty of the San Mateo Neighborhood.
We ARE NOT a home owners association (HOA).
No dues
Must register to become member
All Residents are eligible to be members
Membership ensures your voice will count in decision making
Copy of Minutes - emailed or printed (if you do not have email access)
To become a member, complete membership application form below and submit.
Board Members & Supporting Leads
Donna Philbrick - President
Cynthia Riegler - 1st Vice President
Vacant - 2nd Vice President
Melanie Boyer - Treasurer
Donna Lambert - Secretary
Teresa Williams - Auditor
Lynn Vandenhoy - Membership Committee Chair
Tina Locknane - Clean It Up/Green It Up Chair
Vacant - Sheriff's Watch Representative
Lynn Vandenhoy - Website & YouTube Channel Administrator