San Mateo Neighborhood
A very nice neighborhood with a small town feel
Where in San Mateo
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Located on the corner of Baisden Road and Suzanne Drive, this beautiful tree provides shade, cleans the air, is a home or resting area and a food source for urban wildlife.

This tidal creek is located just east of San Mateo Elementary School (600 Baisden Rd). It flows into the Broward River. Currently, this is an unnamed creek. However, there is a process to name an unnamed natural feature. Click link provided for information.

This is Baisden Road. This section of Baisden Road that includes sidewalk and rail is located between Glenn Drive and Kraft Road. The area north of the rails is wetlands. Tidal water flows under the road. Variety of wetland plants and animals are found in this area.

Located on the corner of Baisden Road and Suzanne Drive, this beautiful tree provides shade, cleans the air, is a home or resting area and a food source for urban wildlife.